Our Promise
We understand that you want more from your shopping experience – more personal attention, more style, more value, more service and more fun and more money left over in your wallet. You have a passion for good things, so our commitment is to search for the best selection, value and quality products and to supply a personal and fulfilling service to you.
Our friendly, knowledgeable team are always here for you and are committed to delivering a shopping experience you will remember. In the end our promise is simple: We want to make sure that you save money and have the right products for your child the first time.
- Simple, safe & secure credit card ordering with PAYPAL Secure checkout service. PayPal, owned by eBay, has always been considered one of the best, most secure choices of payment. When you place an order all your information is encrypted and transmitted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology via the secure checkout system provided by PayPal. When you use PayPal, your financial information is not shared with the merchant. Once your payment is complete, you will be emailed a receipt for this transaction. BBB Privacy Certification – The information practices of PayPal, Inc. have been reviewed and meet the standards of the Better Business Bureau’s BBBOnline Privacy Programme. If you wish – you can always place your order over the phone using your credit card.
- YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT to PAY BY CREDIT CARD just click on the “add to cart” button – you will still be protected by Paypal’s system. After proceeding to checkout – choose “continue” (the link under “Don’t have a paypal account?”) on the left of the screen to pay by credit card.
Why would I use PayPalâ„¢?
PayPal is convenient if you shop across many internet stores that support it since you will be able to manage all your orders from different stores by logging in to your one PayPal account. This can save a great deal of time compared with creating different accounts with different stores.
PayPal is also useful if you do not use credit or debit cards since you do not have to own one of these to pay with PayPal.
PayPal also offers you security if you are not sure about the credibility of a particular internet store; if a company accepts PayPal, it has gone through some fairly rigorous checking procedures and you can feel confident that your order will be in safe hands.