
It all started when Olivier became a daddy. He was amazed to learn that there wasn’t really anything around to help his son Louis recognize surrounding dangers. What could he do?

Learning Safety

Olivier was joined by two friends: Philippe, a design and graphic arts enthusiast, and Sébastien, an expert in industrial safety. Together, the three of them patiently developed a solution in Sébastien’s garage. Their families even helped them ship packages all around France… that’s how their first creation was born, “Bébé Prudence” (meaning “careful baby” in French), a game designed to teach safety to young ones. The game met with immediate success.

Growing up with light

Early on, Louis started wanting to get up by himself at night, like a big boy… but he was scared of the dark. Olivier, Philippe, and Sébastien came up with an idea for a reassuring little light that Louis could carry around anywhere. Clever, totally safe, and easy for even the smallest hands to use: The Nomade nightlight was invented, with already all the qualities of a Pabobo creation.

Moving smoothly forward

Since that time, Louis has grown up and so have we. Today Pabobo has a staff of twelve people at its Paris office, and we work with top artists, designers, and model-makers. The lights in our product line are now distributed via 3,000 sales outlets in 20 countries. Above all, our philosophy has never changed. Our goal is still to make parents’ lives easier both day and night, as their loved ones grow up safely through the brightness of childhood.

Pabobo kind of a funny name…

Pahbobow … wondering what it means? Bébé Prudence, our very first creation, was simply designed to teach little ones how to grow up safely. So that they could discover the world without any boo boos!

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