Closed End Cots Vs Cots with Open or Slat Ends
Some times, a look overcomes safety and parents don’t even realise. One example of this is a question that needs to be asked “Are Cots with Closed Ends Safe?”
The simple answer is no. This is because both ends are solid and as a result, airflow is reduced and increases temperature and can therefore increase the risk of SIDS. This is backed by new research which shows that restricted airflow might be a factor in regards to SIDS. This is even more important if the cot is against a wall which means only one side of the cot is open to air flow via the slats.
You must keep at least a 10cm distance from the wall – especially if it has closed ends on the cot.
Make no mistake, never choose a cot with cot ends that have fancy cut-outs either.
Closed End Cots Vs Cots with Open Ends
Many brands have been guilty of this, including big cot brands like boori. Some brands may debate it because it sells, but it’s definitely not ideal. It doesn’t mean that they do not meet the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2172:2003 either. Nor does choosing a cot and assuming it’s fine if the manufacturer says it meets the standards mean that it is the best and safest available.
Let’s face it, the Australian Standards should be the minimum requirement.
Isn’t the safest option available for a cot what every parent wants? Sometimes brands can loose site of what’s actually important to parents and little ones.
Looks are a big part of the reason that parents decide to go with closed ends on a cot such as designer brands like Humphreys Corner back in the day. Unfortunately, looks are not everything.
Benefits of NOT having a Cot with Closed Ends
There are other benefits of not having closed ends on your cot. The most obvious is the ability for you as a parent or carer to see baby from any angle when the cot is placed against a wall in your nursery. This is important as it might be that one glance that means you can catch a potential problem before it becomes a real problem.
On top of that, baby can see out and not feel like they are locked into a small space. This might just reduce any fear and anxiety for baby too. Remember, less crying means more sleep for you and your little one.
Another issue with cots with closed ends is that it can be easier for a toddler to use the closed end to push their feet against whilst holding on to the top of the cot end and climb out during the night. With a cot that has an open slat end, this is more difficult.

Cots with open ends are better in terms of safety and practicality, there is no arguing that.
Any Cot brands in Australia who make any suggestion that tcots with closed ends are safer, are doing so because they do not sell them.
The best way to choose the right strategy for your exact needs is to find true experts and ask for help.
The importance of getting the right advice from true experts, not just a sales assistant working in a large multi-store who may not even be working there next month. Nor is asking a manufacturer of cots – they will just tell you what they want to sell.
The key is talking to a true independent baby store with experts that have all options for you. Ones that ask lots of questions and give you advice that is specifically for you.
We have a full team of highly trained staff on helping you decide on the best cot for you. Do not hesitate to seek advice from us. We are here to help.
Right now, we have incredible deals on all of our cots. Click the button below to get instant access.
Talk Soon,
About the Author
Frank is a founding owner of Bubs n Grubs. He is also the sole author of the Bubs n Grubs Baby Blog. He has been personally evaluating baby products & testing them before offering them to our customers since 2009. In addition, he is consistently giving manufacturer’s feedback & product development advice, reviewing & getting customer feedback. He has been doing this since the business started in 2009. He is proud to be one of the rare baby store owners who regularly engages with customers in store. Frank values the constant feedback and regularly seeks it out. He has been featured on the Morning Show & the Today Show on Channel 7 and Channel 9 and is a recognised expert in baby products as a result.
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